What we are reading and listening to in the francophone media on the murder of George Floyd and the Black Lives Matter protests. Please send your contributions to our ongoing archive to agnes.bolton@yale.edu ”USA, émeutes raciales,” on Marc Weitzmann’s “Signes des Temps” show on France Culture. Among his guests: former Yale French major Henry Grabar (MC 12): (see also, in Slate, Grabar’s December 2018 article, “Minneapolis Confronts its History of Housing Segregation https://slate.com/business/2018/12/minneapolis-single-family-zoning-housing-racism.html We appreciate the comparative wisdom of our colleague Patrick Weil, interviewed on France Inter on structural racism in France and the United States https://www.franceculture.fr/emissions/linvite-des-matins/les-societes-face-au-racisme-structurel In Le Monde, we are reading Pap Ndiaye’s hopeful editorial, “Les Etats-Unis sont peut-être à l’aube d’une nouvelle coalition entre Noirs et blancs libéraux” In Jeune afrique, we’re reading Melanie Procolam’s article on African solidarity In Le Quotidien d’Oran, Akram Belaid, an Algerian journalist living in France, analyzes French racism and denial: http://akram-belkaid.blogspot.com/2020/06/la-chronique-du-bledard-un-deni-francais.html In Middle East Eye, Ali Harb explores African American - Arab-American relations in the Minneapolis neighborhood where Floyd was murdered: In Agence Anadolu, this dispatch by Chaima Mannai on Tunisian demonstrations in response to American racism: We are also reading the incomparable Chawki Amari in El Watan—another brilliant satire by the Algerian writer, impossible to summarize! https://www.elwatan.com/point-zero/il-na-pas-darc-en-ciel-la-nuit-04-06-2020 Letter (to hear) from writer Viriginie Despentes in support of Adama Traoré but more generally about “white privilege”. https://www.franceinter.fr/emissions/lettres-d-interieur/lettres-d-interieur-04-juin-2020 |