Meet Our New Faculty: Assistant Professor Christophe Schuwey

August 17, 2018

Christophe Schuwey specializes in the literature and culture of the seventeenth century France. His research mainly focuses on the book market, fashion and marketing in the Classical age (multiple articles on those topics), the circulation of news, the making of cultural hierarchies, and cultural transfers (especially between England and France). His thesis was focused on Jean Donneau de Visé, a literary entrepreneur who built a position of power and wealth in the France of Louis XIV, a case study that shows the broad development of a dynamic literary and entertainment and news market in 17th-century France. He is also the author of « Peindre le siècle en comédies : une introduction au Misanthrope et au Tartuffe de Molière » [Painting the times through comedy : an introduction to Molière’s the Misanthrope and the Tartuffe] and co-author of three critical editions, the Nouvelles Nouvelles by Donneau de Visé, ( ; Le Parnasse réformé by Gabriel Guéret ( and a forthcoming edition of the Alcoran de Louis XIV.

Christophe Schuwey is thus also active in the digital humanities field with the mentioned critical edition, multiple databases including the Naissance de la critique dramatique [Birth of dramatic criticism in the seventeenth century France] ( and a forthcoming book entitled Interfaces : une approche concrète des humanités numériques littéraires [Interfaces : a concrete approach to digital humanities and literature] (2019).