
April 20, 2020
From Hadley Kelly, The Phi Beta Kappa Society Director, Visiting Scholar Program:  I wanted to share the exciting news with Yale University that Doyle Calhoun is the...
April 15, 2020
Maurice Samuels joins the Based on a True Story podcast to separate fact from the fiction in 1998’s film depiction of Les Miserables.
April 3, 2020
Candace Skorupa (and Rosie) teaching French 145 on Zoom Christophe Schuwey teaching : “Fake News and True Stories” Ruth Koizim is featured on  Porch-Ritz   Et de l...
April 2, 2020
Read article and play live radio on NPR.
April 1, 2020
Maurice Samuels’s The Betrayal of the Duchess will be released on April 14 by Basic Books and is available for pre-order now.
January 17, 2020
From Dean Tamar Gendler January 17, 2020 Dear Colleagues,   I am delighted to share with you that Alice Kaplan, the John M. Musser Professor of French and incoming Director...
December 18, 2019
From Tamar Szabó Gendler Dear Colleagues, I am delighted to share the news that Alice Kaplan, the John M. Musser Professor of French, has been appointed as the new director...