
November 23, 2020
Yale literature scholar Peter Brooks discusses the career of Honoré de Balzac, and what he finds inspiring about the prolific French author’s life and work.  See article in...
November 18, 2020
On déménage!  Defying Covid-19 and its obstacles, the French Department will be moving in the new year to 320 York, formerly known as HGS and now renamed HQ (for Humanities...
November 13, 2020
“NOUS VIVONS UNE SORTIE DE GUERRE”:  interview d’Alice Kaplan par Flavie Philipon
November 6, 2020
Exam Dates: November 9th at 9 am EDT to December 1st at 12 noon EDT. More Information can be found on our Undergraduate Page. 
November 3, 2020
Prompts from the past for reflection in the present about paths for the future in a selection of readings from the collections. Selections include poems by Langston Hughes;...
October 21, 2020
Will be published on Oct 21, 2020 in Gallimard’s Tracts collection
October 19, 2020
Theater Studies and Digital Humanities Christophe Schuwey and Marine Roussillon (U. Arras) published a new digital volume on databases and theater studies in the Revue d’...