Undergraduate Courses


Group A courses (Fren 110-159) are language courses.  L1-L5.
They lead directly to courses counting toward the major. Preregistration is required for all Group A courses except FREN 125 and 145. For further details, students should consult in this Web site Placement and Preregistration, the Freshman Web site or see the director of undergraduate studies.

Group B courses (Fren 160-449, not including Group C courses) are more advanced courses conducted entirely in French. L5
They count toward the major and include:

  • Gateway courses that prepare students for courses numbered FREN 200 and above (Fren 160 and Fren 170)
  • Advanced language courses (Fren 180-199)
  • Advanced seminars in literature and culture (Fren 200-449). 
    - Fren 200-299 are courses devoted to broad, general fields defined by century or genre. 
    - Fren 300-449 contains courses devoted to specific topics within or across those general field.

Group C courses are taught in English (readings may be in French or English)
Two term courses from this group may be counted for credit toward the major.


  • Special Tutorial Courses: Fren 470a/471b
  • Senior Essay Courses:  491a/b and 493a/494b

Official Yale College program and course information is found in Yale College Programs of Study.